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San Marcos Attorneys With a Record of Success
Court Modification

San Marcos Court Modification Attorneys

Working to Update and Enforce Orders and Agreements for You and Your Family

No one’s life circumstances remain the same forever, so your child custody, also known as conservatorship, agreement shouldn’t have to either. If your circumstances have changed from the time your custody order was initially drafted, your agreement may no longer be fair or appropriate and you have the ability to seek a court modification.

Not all lawyers are experienced in representing clients that need court orders modified. At The Law Offices of David C. Hardaway, we offer an initial consultation to provide guidance to anyone who believes they may require a modification for, among other things, child custody plans. Even if you are unsure if you’re eligible to modify your agreement, our team will listen to the details of your situation and provide advice.

What Can I Do if Circumstances Impacting My Child Custody Arrangement Have Changed?

Many individuals who seek a court modification do so regarding their child custody orders. In many cases, two parents agreed upon, or were ordered into, a specific arrangement regarding custody of their child. But sometimes, the deciding factors that determine custody change over time. For example, a significant impairment in a parent’s ability to care for a child, a new job, a long-distance move, or any shift in the child’s needs may require an attempt to modify the child custody agreement.

A court modification attorney is familiar with this process and will help guide you. It may seem like a complicated situation, but trust that the right lawyer will inform you of your options as they arise and will work to ensure you feel confident throughout the proceedings.

Can a Lawyer Help with Enforcement if My Original or Amended Order is Not Being Followed?

If you successfully modify a court order, both parties must comply with the new terms and conditions moving forward. However, moving on after a court modification can mean one party is hesitant to act in accordance with the newly changed terms. Specifically, with regards to child custody, very often, one parent fails to fulfill their newfound legal obligations, at which point you are entitled to file for enforcement action.

Whether it is an original or modified order, enforcement to ensure compliance is vital. Without enforcement, important terms may go unfulfilled over time. If you find yourself in a situation where your order is being ignored, you may seek to file a motion for enforcement. By filling a petition, you legally document the other party’s unwillingness to comply with predetermined agreements.

If an individual is found in contempt of a court order, there may be consequences. In the context of child custody, your attorney can guide you through the process of various options. It’s essential to partner with a lawyer who can help you better navigate the process of enforcing an order or court modification. Your attorney will stand by your side and defend your need for enforcement. Specifically, in the case of failed child custody modification adherence, it’s best to team up with a lawyer to ensure the best interest of your child.

Do I Need An Attorney to Modify A Court Order? 

Whenever you’re dealing with legal proceedings and documentation that need to be held up to scrutiny under the law, the smartest and safest option is always to enlist the help of a lawyer.

Your court modification attorney will help compile all necessary documentation needed to prove changes in the conditions of your legal proceedings. This is an important benefit to working with a lawyer instead of attempting to negotiate terms on your own. Only a lawyer is knowledgeable in this practice area of the law and familiar with the documentation that is needed to assist you with your case.

Our court modification attorneys are skilled negotiators committed to understanding the Texas Family Code in an effort to support the facts of your legal matter. If you are dealing with child custody, your case’s outcome might be contingent upon having strong legal representation. 

How Can Our Firm Help?

We are attorneys driven to get the best outcomes for our clients. We are committed to advocating on behalf of those who need it most – such as those who feel their court judgments are no longer valid given changing circumstances and those who need guidance and direction to find a solution.

Schedule an initial consultation with The Law Offices of David C. Hardaway for advice regarding your court modification concerns. We will take the time to address your questions and provide advice. At The Law Offices of David C. Hardaway, your confidence in us is extremely important. 

Our team will remain by your side throughout the entire process and work to ensure you’re satisfied with the results. Contact us at (512) 846-9966 and let us help you.